"La Scene" is a French word the band uses to represent the Japanese word 裸身 "rashin"' meaning "naked body." They are a duo made up of female vocalist/bassist Saya and male guitarist/vocalist Eiji. Eiji has played guitar on two Boris tracks, track 4 on the compilation Up Jumped the Devil - Tribute to Robert Johnson, "Me and the Devil Blues" (2000), as well as track 7 on Attention Please, "Aileron" (2011). They have performed live on radio "Resonance FM" in London in 2014, and are planning to tour Europe in Fall 2018.
"La Scene" is a French word the band uses to represent the Japanese word 裸身 "rashin"' meaning "naked body." They are a duo made up of female vocalist/bassist Saya and male guitarist/vocalist Eiji. Eiji has played guitar on two Boris tracks, track 4 on the compilation Up Jumped the Devil - Tribute to Robert Johnson, "Me and the Devil Blues" (2000), as well as track 7 on Attention Please, "Aileron" (2011). They have performed live on radio "Resonance FM" in London in 2014, and are planning to tour Europe in Fall 2018.