This offer ended at 11:59pm on July 31st (JST). Thank you for many orders!
We announced this offer initially in our newsletter on July 26th, then on Facebook and Twitter on the 27th.
Please subscribe our newsletter or check our social media to be sure not to miss any information on such offers in the future.


CDs/Cassette tapes will be shipped FROM the U.S. by Media Mail, for low shipping (approx. $4.50) and no need to go through customs.
If the item you ordered is no longer available (sold out) we will refund the unavailable CD.

Please order only if you agree to the following:
* This offer is valid for CDs and cassette tapes only shipped to destinations in the USA.
* Please understand that items may sell out quickly before their status online can be updated.
* Orders will be shipped between Aug.11th and 28th, by Media Mail from MA, USA.
* Offer ends on July 31st (JST) (Based on the situation it may end earlier or later than scheduled.)
* This offer is possible because one of us from Inoxia is visiting the U.S. In the event this plan does not work or changes, we will cancel and refund your order.
* In the case your order is not delivered to you (regardless of who may be at fault for any mistake), we will simply cancel and refund your order. (We will not resend from Japan.)
* We reserve the right to refuse orders from any customers we see fit, namely those who refused to cooperate with us in the past.
* Please select "Accept Terms for US Media Mail" at the shipping method section when you make your order. By selecting this you agree to the above terms.

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