CD (2025) ReRun Lance Guitar, vocal: Yuko Has (ex. Gaji)Bass, chorus: Rika Drums, chorus: Chisak...
2xCD (2024) Including a Japan-only bonus disc which is the first CD format of limited vinyl "Lumi...
CD (2019) Reissue of their 5th album, including two bonus tracks. Track list:1. アキレス2. ルシファーの悲しみ3...
CD (2024) Out on 2024/8/21 ENDON started as a noise/extreme music band from Tokyo. In April 2020,...
CD (2024) Release date: 2024/6/19Including a Japan-only bonus track. Track list: 1.World of Light...
CD (2024)Out on 2024/6/5 Including two Japan-only bonus tracks. Track list: 01. Leave Of Absence0...
CD (2024)Release date: 2024/5/1 Including 3 Japan-only bonus tracks "Aurora Leaking From An Open ...
CD (2024) Including a Japan-only bonus track "Blood And Bone '22". Release date: 2024.3.27 Stock ...
CD (2024) Including 6 Japan-only bonus tracks "A Brief Memoriam (Live)". Release date: 2024.3.27 ...
CD (2023)End (New Jersey Hardcore) Track list:1.A Predator Yourself2.Gaping Wounds of Earth3.The ...
CD (2023) Track list:1.Beholden To Clan2.Twin Mouthed Spring3.Initiates Of the White Hart4.Crown ...
CD (2023) Track list:1.Drown (Intro)2.Divine Apprehension3.Suffer No Cool4.Soul Sacrifice5.Execut...
CD (2023) Track list:1.Invisible Tormentor2.Arsenal Of War3.Death And Glory4.Morbid Effigy5.Annih...
CD (2024) 2024/1/24 発売 それぞれの揮発曲を新緑・新提示したセルフカヴァースプリットアルバム。https://youtu.be/xyhCCM4WfrU?si=SIoJQ86L...
CD (2023) Including a 12p booklet. Track list:1. Like a Poisoned Dog 2. It Wants to Fly 3. To Be ...
ゴッドフレッシュ / パージ CD (2023) インダストリアル・メタルの始祖6年振りの最新作、日本盤のみボーナス・ディスク付2枚組仕様で日本先行発売! ■Justin ...
CD 「...ソー・アンノウン」(2023) 2023/4/19発売 ■アメリカで最もタフな街のひとつであるフィラデルフィア出身のブルータル・メタリック・ハードコア・アクト: JESUS PIE...
2xCD (2023) 2023/03/22発売 ■ニューヨーク/ブルックリンを拠点に活動。ブラック・メタルから背徳感とネガティヴさを抜き去り、シャープ且つテクニカルなトレモロ・リフとブラスト・...
CD 「ロックステップ・ブラッドウォー」(2023) 2023/2/8発売 FULL OF HELL meets THE BODY=エクストリーム系オルタナティヴの粋YoshimiO(BORED...
CD「セレッシャル・ロット」 (2023) 2023/2/8発売 ■30年に及ぶ活動歴を誇るハードコア界の重鎮、ALL OUT WAR。8枚目のフル・アルバムとなる最新作。■1991年結成。数作...
CD (2023) 2023/3/8 発売 ■日本が世界に誇るスーパー・ヘヴィロック・バンドNEPENTHESの5年振りサード・アルバム堂々完成!■東京ヘヴィロック・シーンの'顔'が...
CD (2022) Release date: 2022/11/27 Rocky & The SWEDEN 25th Anniversary ライブで共演した Boris とのスプリット CD ...
CD (2022) Release date: 2022/11/23 Including a Japan-only bonus track. Tracklist: 1.Misfortune Te...
CD (2022)2022/9/21発売伝説のUSドゥーム・バンドであり、SUNN O)))の原点全世界初CD化音源を追加収録して日本初発売!■THORR'S HAMMERはGreg Ander...
CD (2022) 2022/8/12 発売 Boris30周年記念アルバム第二弾『Heavy Rocks』発売決定!国内盤限定スペシャルブックレット封入コロナ禍に突入直後の2020年に制作され...
CD (2022) Including 2 Japan-only bonus tracks. Release date: 2022/6/22 Stock status A: In stock. ...
「ヘヴィ・ペンデュラム」CD (2022) ■2018年春にケイラブ・スコフィールド(B/Vo)が急逝して以降、ケイヴ・インは数本の追悼ライヴと『leave them all beh...
CD (2022) SUNN O)))のGreg Anderson、THE LORD名義で初のソロ作完成!日本独占でのCDリリース、さらに大量の完全未発表音源をボーナス・トラックとして追加収録!...
「ガーデン・オブ・バーニング・アパリションズ」2xCD (2021) outlet: 新品未開封ですが、プラケース前面に1cmほどのヒビが入っています。 エクストリーム・ミュージック...
2xCD (2022) Release date: 2022/2/9 Including a Japan-only bonus disc "The Raging River". Track li...
CD (2022)Release date: 2022/2/2New album.Track list:1.Born From Chaos2.Judges Of The Underworld3....
CD (2022)Release date: 2022/01/19Reissue of their 7th album released in 2013, with 2 bonus tracks...
CD (2022)Release date: 2022/01/19Reissue of their 2nd album released in 1995.Track list:1.Life De...
CD (2022)Release date: 2022/01/19Reissue of their 1st album released in 1993, with 5 bonus tracks...
CD (2022)Release date: 2022/01/19Reissue of their 4th album released in 2005.Track list:1.Quantum...
CD (2022)Release date: 2022/01/19Reissue of their 3rd album released in 2004.Track list:1.Ball Of...
CD (2022)Release date: 2022/01/19Reissue of their 4th album released in 1993.Track list:1.My Eyes...
CD (2021) Reissue of their 4th album released in 1989, with 2 bonus tracks. Track list: 1.Master...
CD (2021) Release date: 2021/12/29 Reissue of their 3rd album released in 1987, with 4 bonus trac...
CD (2021) Release date: 2021/12/29 Reissue of their 2nd album released in 1986, with 4 bonus trac...
CD (2021) Release date: 2021/12/29 Reissue of their 1st album released in 1985, with 4 bonus trac...
CD (2021) Release date: 2021/12/29 Reissue of their 2nd album released in 1984, with a ...
CD (2021) Release date: 2021/12/29 Reissue of their 1st album released in 1981, with a bonus trac...
CD (2021) Release date: 2021/12/8 Reissue of their 1st album released in 1991, with 7 bonus track...
CD (2021) Release date: 2021/12/8 Reissue of their 1st album released in 1991, with 11 bonus trac...
CD (2021) Release date: 2021/12/8 Track list: 1. Wozglas2. Dziewiatyj Czas3. Wieczernia4. Powiecz...
CD (2021) Release date: 2021/12/8 Reissue of the latest album released in 2019. Track list: 1.Fuc...
CD (2021) Release date: 2021/12/8 New album. Track list: 1.Victory in Blood2.Seven Mouths of Madn...

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