Daymare Recordings
Daymare Recordings
CD (2009) ジャスティン・K・ブロードリック(イェスー他)とアーロン・ターナー(アイシス他) らによる噂のコラボレーション・ユニットが遂にアルバムをリリース。2009/7/2...
2xCD (2008) *ボーナスディスク: Live Europe 2006 (originally released as limited tour CD, available ...
CD (2006) 日本盤のみのボーナストラックを3曲収録しています。 ("live at the Middle East EP"より)完売しました。(2024/1/7)
3xCD (2008) *ボーナスディスク: 1996 Demo & Live(total 69min) *Stephen O'Malley 自身によるアートワーク-m...
CDJapanese version is including bonus track (BUZZOV-EN cover song!)2009/9/30 Sold out on 2014/1/9.
CD (2007) Including four Japan only bonus tracks from ultra limited tour-only EP!As you know now...
CDTORCHE contribute King Beef, Boris contribute Lunajointventure release between Daymare and Hydr...
CD (2009) miniature paper gatefold sleeve 4 art cards 8 panel poster oversized vellum obi. 現在在庫切れ...
CD (2009) THE SECRET MACHINESのBrandon Curtisをプロデューサーに迎え、前作から約1年半という短いタームで通算3作目となるアルバムをリリース。...
2xCD (2009) The 4th full length album.Featuring guest appearances by Greg Anderson (SUNN O))), S...
CD (2005) ボーナストラック2曲収録。在庫状況:A (事務所内に在庫あり、実働3日以内に発送予定。)
CD (2005) Including 2 Japan only Bonus tracks (SLAYER cover, previously unreleased) Artwork by S...
CD (2004) Featuring Kurt Bullo(CONVERGE) Stephen Brodsky, Adam McGrath (CAVE IN) 在庫...
2xCD (2009) イェスー久々の新録音源は何と全1曲50分超! ジャスティン・K・ブロードリック本人自ら「スーパー・ヘヴィだ」と語る作品。日本盤のみ完全未発表音源を収録したボー...
DVD (2006) Japanese version (region free) with 20 page full colour bookletJuly 7, 2006
2xCD (2008) All songs that they played during the tour kept growing and got sounded totally diffe...
CD (2004) 日本盤のみのボーナストラック2曲収録。 Featuring Aaron Turner and Jeff Caxide(ISIS) 在庫状況:C (お取り...
CD (2009) Including 3 bonus tracks (Tour EP III)Release date: April 21st 2009 Sold out.
CD (2009) 2曲でアダム・ジョーンズ(トゥール)参加。日本盤のみ完全未発表曲をボーナス・トラックとして追加収録。見開き紙ジャケット+ブックレット+CD内袋の豪華仕様、アーロン...
2xCD (2009) With Japan exclusive bonus disc "Malevolent Grain" Sold out.
2xCD (2009) with Japan exclusive bonus disc (6 songs in 34min, some are exclusive) 在庫状況:B ...
2xCD (2008) Highly demanded (and unfortunately long gone) NADJA album is finally released once ag...
CD (2008)Non-stop work ethic of touring and beyond-intense performance to the studio with career ...
CD (2008) 今回は3曲をキーに、2曲のオルタナティヴ・ヴァージョン、さらに日本盤にはもう1トラックが収録されたEP。元々この3曲は07年にアナログ盤限定フォーマットでリリースされ、わず...
2xCD (2008) Brand new album from post rock / electronica / ambient / drone / even Krautrock vibe...
CD (2008) Daymare スプリットシリーズ第二弾。Japan ONLY release newly recorded 5 songs (3 from ENVY, 2 fr...
CD (2004) *One of the most anticipated (and promised) release for 2008.Steve Brooks and co. jus...
CD (2008) *including Japan only bonus track (Goliath)*release date: February 8th 2008(world prem...
CD + DVDLimited edition, includes 6 songs & remixes with renewed artwork by Aaron Turner himself-...
2xCD (2008) *bonus disc: SUNN O))) meets NURSE WITH WOUND "The Iron Soul Of Nothing"(COMPLETELY ...
2xCD (2008) bonus disc: demo(demo for entire album tracks, 38min., exclusive for Japan and ...
2xCD (2007) With Japan only bonus disc: exclusive EP (Your Path To Divinity [the endless pa...
CD (2007) Including Japan only bonus tracks (exclusive remixes)Release Date: October 5th Sold out...
CD (2007) 日本盤のみのボーナストラック2曲収録。 (Hope and songs to sing, The leaves won't fall on you)200...
2xCD (2007) With Japan exclusive bonus disc including completely unreleased materials in 38 minu...
2xCD (2007) 日本盤のみのボーナスディスク: exclusive EP (March into the sea, Angel Tears JK Broadrick remi...
2xCD (2007) 日本盤のみのボーナスディスク: untitled debut EP (Pulse, Mammoth, Forecast For Today,The Woods...
CD (2007) 輸入盤+帯/ライナーノーツの国内仕様 在庫状況:A (事務所内に在庫あり、実働3日以内に発送予定。)
2xCD (2007) expanded edition re-issueRelease date:April 13th 2007*Renewed artwork by Stephen O'Ma...

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